About Me

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Our names are Ezzy Rider(Kyna's Ducati) and Jagger. We live in Roswell, Georgia USA with our humans Wendy and Bill and our cat siblings Tovah, Shana, Annie, Jr. and Sammy. Mom and Dad take us to the Breakfast Cafe on Sundays where we have biscuits and cheese and meet new friends. We are looking forward to you signing our blog and will keep you posted of all our adventures. Thank-you Ezzy Rider and Jagger

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Thursday, August 27, 2009


This is "Cloud Chaser" 24 hours old..My girlfriend's filly.....


Fred said...


The Airechicks said...

What a beautiful foal!!!

Thank you for sharing - hope Mum & foal are doing good -

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a beauty!! Hope all is well.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Noah the Airedale said...

Ahhhh how cute.

Noah x

Duke said...

Look at those super long leggies! What a cute little girl she is!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sally Ann and Andy said...

What a cute baby.
Sally Ann

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Y'all have been given a friendly award. Please come to my blog to pick it up.
Lord Duncan of McDuff, and Sally Ann Canis

Inky and Molly said...

Look at them long skinny legs!!

BarneyandStormsDaleTails said...

What a lovely picture, thanks for sharing it.
Storms name is "Storm Chaser"

Woofs & Wags

Barney & Storm

Sherry said...

What Fred said! When do the Airedales get to meet the foal?
Alanis & Miro

World of Animals, Inc said...

Just amazing to see mom and foal together just after 24 hours. We are just amazed at the height already of the foil. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a great day.
World of Animals